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Frequently Ask Questions.

Yes we do. Or if any customer need help to do it for him and necessary cost provided.

Yes order we do. Or if any customer need help to do it for him and necessary cost provided.

Just email your data to us, it will be updated with in 24 hours.

We will provide user id and password also so that you can manage your site yourself.

To start your project you have to pay a token payment only 10% of the package price,40% after 1st live review, and remaining 50% after final review.

Our website design packages are designed with the small business owner in mind. We offer multiple different packages depending on the amount of pages/features your website will require, however can request a custom free quotes.

Every project begins with a free consultation to ensure we’re on the same page regarding the project scope. Our typical timeline to complete a website is 2 weeks. However, every project is unique and the exact amount of time a build will take cannot be predicted. When you start a project we will give you a deadline and mostly we able to maintain it, but sometimes gathering resources, content and media for the website can often push back the completion date.

We will proivde demo at your location about the software, to start a project you have to pay just 50% of its cost. Within 24 hours a support team member will contact you and make sure your project’s requirement and started your project right way.

Yes, we can handle multiple projects?

Yes we proivde only help also by using remote desktop.

We will provide support on email also.

Didn’t get answered? Feel free to ask your queries at support@mediaeye.org; our support teams will response within 24 hours.